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About Us

  The Finest ingredients make the finest foods.....

      We bake four selections of our homemade bread daily, using organic flours and no preservatives. Our sausage is made fresh, using the leanest cuts of pork and our own seasonings. We make our pancakes from scratch using fresh buttermilk and eggs. We offer 100% pure maple syrup.

      We never use harmful fats or butter substitutes only fresh butter and olive oil. We use peanut oil in our fryer to give our steak fries their special flavor.

     We use solid albacore tuna and a special yogurt blend for our tuna salad.

     Attention to quality helped us attain the Readers Choice Award from the Press and Sun Bulletin for two years in a row. At Corbin's we're committed to healthy eating and are willing to spare no expense to provide you with the best and freshest ingredients.

       It's worth it, because , remember......

you are what you eat!


                                                   Jim & Linda

Your host Jim & Linda Corbin.

               YOUR HOST JIM AND LINDA!

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